Product information
1-Excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure and water.
2-Non chalking, no yellowing.
3-Tough and abrasion resistant.
4-Resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils,
white spirit ,paraffin and aliphatic petroleum products.
5-Can be applied by airless spray, roller and brush.
Physical data
Colour: Customer request
Finish: gloss
Flash point: 28°c
Volume solids: 40 ±2%
D.f.t: 30 – 40 microns
Specific gravity: 0.97 ± 0.05gr/cm3
Theoretical coverage: 13.30 m2 /lit (at 30 µ d.f.t)
Baking condition:
Flushing time: 10 minutes
Stoving time: 20 – 30 minutes
Stoving temp. 140°c – 160 °c
Component: 1
Application methods: conventional spray or brush or
Recommended thinner: RANA THINN 65
Recommended cleaner : RANA CLEAN 65
Shelf life: 6 months when stored indoors in unopened
Original containers at 5 to 40°c (cool and dry
Curing mechanism: by solvent release and cure on heat
Substrate: Steel
Typical uses
As a glossy ,finishing coat for interior and exterior in
mildly to moderately corrosive environment on
structures free of sharp edge and crevices.
Application information
This RANA CHEM’s product is an acrylic coating
which has excellent resistance to water and atmospheric
exposure and chemical compound.
To obtain the maximum performance for which this product
is formulated, strict adherence to all application, instructions,
precautions, conditions and limitations is necessary.
Application equipment
The following equipment is listed as a guide and suitable
equipment from other manufactures may be used.
Adjustments of pressure and change of tip size may be
Needed to obtain the proper spray characteristics.
1-Conventional spray:Industrial equipment
with suitable aircap having a fluid tip with a 1.4-1.6mm orifice .
2- brush and roller.
1-Handle with care.
2-Avoid inhalation of possible solvent vapours or
Paint mist, as well as paint contact with skin and eyes.
3-Apply only in well ventilated areas and ensure that
adequate forced ventilation exists when applying paint
in confined spaces or when the air is stagnant.
4-Always take precautions against the risks of fire
and explosions.
5-Harmful or fatal if swallowed,immediately seek
medical assistance.
6-use fresh air masks and explosion proof equipment.
Application procedure
1-Flush equipment with recommended cleaner before use.
2-Stir paint for 5 minutes.
3-For spray,thin only as needed for workability.
4-Apply a wet coat in even, parallel passes. Overlap
each pass 50% to avoid bare areas, pinholes or holidays.
5-Small damaged or bare areas and random pinholes or
holidays can be touched up by brush.
6-Clean all equipment with recommended cleaner
immediately after use.
Environmental condition
Environmental temperature must be 10-40°c.
Surface temperature must be at least 3°c above dew point
to prevent condensation. At freezing temperature surface
must be free of ice and relative humidity below 80 %.
Surface preparation
All dirt, grease and other foreign materials ` should be removed
with wire brushing , washing with water and detergent and then
phosphatizing or chromatizing surface .
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