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Product information 


1-Excellent spray ability.

2-Resists corrosion.

3-Recommended for use on steel where a conventional

   topcoat system is required.

4- Good flexibility


Physical data    

Colour:                                                       White  

Finish:                                                        Flat

Flash point:                                               38°c

Volume solids:                                          52 ±2%

D.f.t:                                                            50-60  microns  

Specific gravity:                                        1.45 ±  0.05gr/cm3  

Theoretical coverage:                             10.4  m2 /lit (at 50 µ d.f.t)

Drying time at 25°c:                                

                Touch dry:                               3 hr at 25°c              

        Dry to handle:                                 6 hrs at 25°c    

                 Full cure:                                5 days at 25°c    

Component:                                             1

Application methods:                              Conventional spray or brush or

                                                              Airless spray or roller

Recoat intervals*:                                 10°c                 25°c              40°c

(mild condition) :  Min:                           30  hrs            12  hrs          6  hrs

                       **Max:                          NONE             NONE         NONE

**Maximum Recoat: Unlimited. Must have a clean, dry surface for top coating.”Loose” chalk or salts must be removed in              .        accordance with good painting practice. Drying time is temperature, humidity, and fi lm thickness dependent



Recommended thinner:                         RANATHINN 70

Recommended cleaner:                        RANA CLEAN 70

Shelf life:                                                   12 months when stored indoors in unopened

Original containers at 5 to 40°c (cool and dry


Curing mechanism:                                By solvent release and chemical reaction with  o2

Substrate:                                                Steel 

*: For recoating the surface should be free of dust ,grease  and contamination .

Typical uses

As a primer on interior and exterior steel in

mildly to moderately corrosive environment.


Application information

This RANA CHEM’s product is a zinc phosphate alkyd primer

for above water service.

To obtain the maximum performance for which this product

is formulated, strict adherence to all application,instructions,

fast drying ALKYD TOP COAT - RANA 733 TF

precautions, conditions and limitations is necessary.

Application equipment

The following equipment is listed as a guide and suitable

equipment from other manufactures may be used.

Adjustments of pressure and change of tip size may be

needed to obtain the proper spray characteristics.

1-Airless spray:standard airless spray equipment having

A 28:1 or higher pump ratio and a  fluid tip with a 0.33 to 0.381 mm


2-Conventional spray:industrial equipment with suitable

aircap having  a fluid tip with a 1.6-1.8 mm orifice .

3 -Mixer:mixer must be powered by an air motor or an explosion

proof electric motor.

4-Brush or roller.


1-Handle with care.

2-Harmful or fatal if swallowed;immediately seek

medical assistance.

3-Avoid inhalation of possible solvent vapours

Or paint mist,as well as paint contact with skin and eyes.

4-Apply only in well ventilated areas and ensure that


adequate forced ventilation exists when paint applies is

in confined spaces or when the air is stagnant.

5-Use fresh air masks and explosion proof equipment. 

6-Take precautionary measures against static discharges.


Application procedures    

1-Flush equipment with recommended cleaner before use.

2-Stir paint  for 5 minutes.

3-For spray,thin only as needed for workability.

4-Apply a wet coat in even, parallel passes.overlap

each pass 50% to avoid bare areas,pinholes or holidays.

5-Small damaged or bare areas and random pinholes or

holidays can be touched up by brush.

6-Clean all equipment with recommended cleaner

immediately after use.


Environmental condition 

      Environmental temperature must be 10-40°c.

      Surface temperature must be at least 3°c above dew point

      to prevent condensation. At freezing temperature surface

      must be free of ice and relative humidity below 80 %.

Surface preparation

The surface must be clean and dry . All dirt , grease ,

millscale and any other foreign material should be

removed. sand blasting to standard of Sa2.5 – Sa3 , SIS 05 5900 , ISO 8501-1. 

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